Monday 8 December 2014


So far today - I have been very busy, we needed to edit and re-write large sections of a very important consultation document that will be going to some really important people 'in Europe' - the levels of literacy I encounter frequently in my industry ( believe me - I'm fucking Shakespeare compared to some) make me wonder how many designers cope - between the two of us it has taken nearly two days to produce 10 pages of concise, evaluative, carefully nuanced prose that might just open the doors to a bit of decent workflow.

After that - because I'm a very important and successful design consultant with letters after my name - I had to sew the name tags onto a shepherd's outfit for my colleague's 5 year old son while she was on the phone and we could get it driven up to the school where his nativity is being held.

It was much harder than I expected.

Working in Brighton tomorrow - I had expected another piece of work to be completed for a deadline tomorrow - but the presentation has moved to Thursday - which is a relief - I would have been here all night.

It's very cold, and nearly dark at 3.30pm.

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