Sunday 22 September 2013

Sunday afternoon.

In a brave attempt to get out more, I cycled down to TK Max, I like that run, along the seafront - Sunday strollers, dog walker, hobby sailors etc. I have noticed over the last couple of years that people are more inclined to use the beach here, it's pebble at the shorefront but sand after about 20 yards, so you get a lot of kids playing games, paddling etc. There is at least one major shipwreck in easy access (The Amsterdam 1749).

TK Max was pretty dull, I had a vague idea I might find something for my day in London next week. This very strange thing always happens in there - as it's a decent bike ride away, I usually take my time in the cavernous warehouse of menswear - and EVERY time, a middle aged woman, obviously buying for a husband or son, latches on to me, carefully scrutinises anything I try on, and hovers behind me - checking everything I look at - presumably because it's easier to select something when you actually see it 'on' someone. They should employ people to stand around, trying things on if you ask them to.

Popped into an open studio on the way back (there is a big arts event this month) and looked in Waterstone's, came across a book that I really wanted - but after 10 mins of trying to find someone to tell me the price and let me pay for it - I lost patience, took a picture of it on my iPhone, went to the studio and ordered it off Amazon at 30 quid less than retail. I would SERIOUSLY have preferred to buy it instore - but without even a tiny amount of decent customer service - it was impossible. I was the only person upstairs (apart from the Costa coffee area), customer or staff, in all the time I was there.

Cycled home, walked the dogs, and seemed to have prepared one of the least appetising meals possible. I'm going to have to eat it - but I'll suffer in silence.

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