Friday 31 May 2013


I went running last night - I can tell you now, wearing the wrong shorts probably equates to not wearing a sports bra - but with more risk of life changing injury, for the last 200 yards or so - I must have looked like I was engaged in an indecent act.

I've realised after about 20 years that it really does make a difference when you get the 'left' and 'right' earphones the right way round - I'll try not to do that again.

I got caught in the rain yesterday - actually - I quite enjoyed it - sheltered under the awning of a cafe in the Old Town. It's quite a good cafe - they have hundreds of old books lining the walls - the books in the window are a spectacular collection of 'unfortunate' titles from a different age - almost all along the lines of 'Flipper goes Gay' - 'The Gay Chavalier' - 'Every Inch a man' and a whole spectrum of accidentally homoerotic numbers. Would probably make quite a good coffee table book. It's a bit of a tourist attraction in it's own right - as I sat there a group of elderly women arrived to snigger and take pictures - they were particularly excited by 'How to groom your Pussy' and giggled like schoolgirls - they were there for quite a while ".. are the books inside just as bad" one asked me - when I said no, it was just the window, they decided to leave - never underestimate the vocabulary of women in their 60's - it's quite extensive.

One of my friends went into a posh gift and curio shop in The Old Town yesterday to buy a 'cheer up' gift for someone who is probably going to lose the small flat in London they have lived in for many years because it has a box room and she's being stung by the bedroom tax. She clearly distraught. He bought a small bottle of rose scented oil. The girl in the shop was very helpful and friendly - but came out with the classic line "of course - if she doesn't like in - she can always put it in the 2nd bathroom"

The small dog is going through one of her annoying bladder cycles where she produces about 20 pints of piss every day - most of it is rotting it's way through the dining room floorboards. There is a mop and bucket permanently stationed in there now.

Still can't decide if I should go to work today. Might do a half day.

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