Friday 15 March 2013

Friday Night

Up early, went to the dental hygienist, which cost me £40. I really like her - she has far more going for her than the dentist in the next room, and much nicer - but no matter how hard I try - there is always something I'm not doing right, perhaps if I just stop eating all together it will make a difference.

Weather rubbish. Cold and wet. Had a quick spin around the charity shops, but my heart wasn't in it. In the Oxfam book shop, there is an elderly volunteer lady who is nice enough - but seems defeated by any challenge of modern life - even the simplest thing, and tells the most excruciating anecdotes that ramble on for hours, go nowhere, and communicate nothing - today's was all about 'Dickie Bird' - and the scandal of a radio station accidentally announcing his birthday on the wrong date. I dread getting old - although some will tell you I'm already like that.

Rather than walk home in the rain - I sat in the empty posh cafe at the Jerwood Gallery and had an expensive cup of tea - looking out over the fishing boats and raging sea as gales lashed it about. The fishermen throw fish guts onto the roof of the huts for the gulls, I watched for about 15 mins as one tried very, very hard to swallow a whole mackerel - head first, in one go. I say 'whole' - it was head, tail and spine. The Jerwood has had a re-hang, it's very good - lots of Keith Vaughns. On the way home I felt a bit wobbly and bought a macaroon form the over priced posh bakery in the Old Town. I only had to wait 15 mins for the well groomed girl on the counter to finish her conversation with a yummy mummy ( who was actually being served by someone else ) so I could buy a single biscuit ( for a quid ). I really hate that place.

I have a stinking cold, which got worse and worse as the day went on - eventually losing my voice totally - so I had to cancel a conversation I was supposed to have with a client and went to bed fore a couple of hours. I'm now tired, tetchy and have a headache. Just realised it's Red-Nose-Day, which I despise with a passion I cannot describe. DVD and early night for me. I'm very run down - one of the chairs at work rubs against the back of my leg when I sit down and I now appear to have an abscess or something at that point. I look terrible - OK in the morning - but by Lunchtime I am fit for the knackers yard.

In Smiths - I bought the big coffee table books that accompanied 'The Victorian Farm' and 'The Edwardian Farm' at 75% off. Might read them in bed.


ro said...

that all sounds wonderful but when are you coming to visit?
have the dogs adopted and buy a ticket for gods sake.

ro said...

that all sounds wonderful but when are you coming to visit?
have the dogs adopted and buy a ticket for gods sake.

Grey Area said...

might be having a word with you about that shortly

ro said...

hoo bloody ray! your room (and bathroom awaits)!

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