Sunday 18 November 2012

Sunday Evening

Lovely bright day, very cold now but due to get much colder later in the month. Wandered into town for some fresh air, poked about in the shops. There was another Balmain Suit in the BHF shop - just too slightly small for me. Had the good sense to pick up a sandwich in M&S, had a bit of a blood sugar crash on the west hill and had to sit on a bench and eat it. Came home with a bad of dog treats and a bag of dried fruit and nuts from the place that used to be Julian Graves. Very camp young Brummie working  there was struggling to explain to an elderly woman that the stock was variable and they didn't always have exactly what she wanted. She couldn't take no for an answer. Not that many people about, despite the lovely weather. Bought a large bag of shelled Brazils for £3. When i was a kid, we'd buy a box of mixed nuts every xmas - including Brazils in their shells - which would hang around for a year, generally frustrating and breaking peoples teeth.

Have changed most of the low energy bulbs in a pathetic attempt top bring more light into the house. Went into my bedroom and put my hand into the basket where I keep socks to find something alive in there, small dog was fast asleep.

Picked up a couple of books to keep me going, including 'Born on a Blue Day' and 'The Atheists Guide to Xmas', talking of which - there are now 4 fully decorated houses in Ore and Clive Vale….

had a letter from a local politico informing the neighbours that the only pub in the area - which closed recently - has been targeted by Tesco to convert into a Tesco Express - not sure how I feel about that one.

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