Saturday 1 September 2012


Cool again, up early - I'm not going to work until this evening - so a day of 'me' - cleaning etc and probably a trip into town. There is a street market in the Old Town, will have a wander about.

The work I've been struggling with all week has turned a corner and the client is happy - I have to finish off over this weekend and prep it all on Monday. Presenting to the client on Tuesday - in the North of England. We are part of a free pitch - tere is us, and two other agencies, all pitching for the same job - they are design agencies - we are retail - it's essentially a graphics project - and as such, I've done all the work - but in some ways, I think that's better. I'm actually quite happy with what we have done, but I'll let you know next week how it goes.

It's just 8am - earlier, a helicopter landed on the road about 400 yards away - don't see that every day. I saw an air ambulance land on Ludgate Circus once to collect an injured workman - it was a bit scary.

Had a brief wander through the papers, nothing interesting really. I really need to cut my hair today - I'm covered in midge bites, mostly on my head - from walking the dogs in the woods - saw a HUGE mosquito yesterday on Clive Vale - looked like a military unmanned drone. Lots of houses on the market - all getting snapped up really quickly. Property is still staggeringly cheap down here.

I'm going to get together everything for the studio over the weekend and arrange some transport, and as soon as I get paid - organise some computer setup for here and there. I have a new project I need to start next week ( cycle store in london - very exciting ) and another project is due to kick off - I also have the pleasure of writing a lot of invoices. I'm hanging on for a large invoice that's due at te moment which is, and this has never happened before - 100% 'mine' - I have no bills, debts, financial obligations or expenses to come out of it - it's all going to go on the house, the garden and chipping away a bit at my mortgage. Until them - I'm still poor.

I've been invited to a barbeque later - at someone's house - I have a horror of house parties, I'll probably pass.

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