Friday 2 September 2011


Went into college early - started in a good mood only to be confronted with a major crisis. Went for a walk to calm dow.

A bit later - I went into town and bought my new camera. More about that later - but I'm very happy with it. The girl that served me was excellent. Knowledgable and polite, made me feel better about spending so much money.

While I was in Jessops - the following scene unfolded. I did not make this up. It happened. It's true.

man walks into Jessops, straight up to counter - slaps glasses case on the desk and says tyat his frames are broken and he's only had them a few months, is very unhappy. Girl says -

"sorry sir, you do realise that this is a camera shop - the optician is next door". 

Sheepish man retreats to street. Apparently it happens about once a week. I weep for humanity.

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