Sunday 21 August 2011

Sunday Night

Another hot day - and very tired again, I was talking to another dog walker early this morning and he said the same thing. The grass and meadow flowers are about thigh high now - so I have to keep my eyes open or I'll lose the dogs - I'd been on the big double field for about half an hour before I realised that there was someone in the grass, crouched down, about 200 yards away, watching us. Freaked me out and we left. You are not allowed to camp there -probably someone in a sleeping bag.

Had to run into town quickly - very busy still, people out and about - spending money etc. Did a bit of work today but really whacked - so not as much as I would have liked - I'm working still now, it's 10pm, and cooler - so I'm getting more done.

watched the live streaming version of 'Turn of the Screw' earlier - from Glyndebourne, was very good - lovely production - very good quality broadcast, even for my shitty old computer - came through The Guardian website.

I only just realised, it's a bank holiday next weekend - I love bank holidays it's like a little bit of peace and quiet, nobody bothers you, nobody calls, brilliant.  I intend to do something with it... but I'm not sure what - probably nothing...

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