Monday, 6 December 2010


I'll be totally honest - I've not seen Corrie since I lived at home - I may have caught snatches and been 'aware' of the cast via the popular press... but I never actually watch it. I have very strong memories of Corrie in the '70s when I was a kid and it was 'important' - as a part of our family unit ritual... but soap opera holds no interest for me whatsoever.

I did, however, watch the two episodes tonight - in a University Challenge type sandwich. It was comic and tragic in turns -the acting was naff, the situations corny and the charecterisations dull. I didn't really know who anyone was, apart from Ken and Dreard-ry and the rest just looked like an assemblage of faces, many of whom looked roughly the same.

I must say - I quite like the bloke who coshed the mad woman - although I'm pretty sure the same plot device was used in Emmerdale when the plane crashed with the grey haired bloke who was a councillor or something who killed his wife during the fracas - or perhaps I dreamed that.

The crash itself was confusing - what actually blew up - and why - and I thought the tram, wobbling about in the air before crashinglike a giant fish tail, quite ammusing.

Was Rita pissed? Is she a dipsomaniac now - she seemed to be talking to herself, and is she supposed to die under an avalanche of peppermint creams?

That Molly woman was not exactly attractive - she is one of those poor girls who will be a great character actress in her 60's  like Lynda Barron... but should stay in a dark room until then.

I can't imagine anything more horrible than living in a small community where everyone has to spend all their time in each others company in a tatty, overlit pub. Do people still do that? It's probably a good idea to drop a tram on it.

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