Monday, 25 October 2010


I'm off today... actually -honestly- having a day off. Grindrod is popping down from London for a pub lunch and we shall enjoy the blue skies and freezing wind. I spent most of yesterday clearing stuff out of the oft - I'm going to be in a table sale at Eat restaurant in Claremont in November so I priced loads of stuff up ( essentially, undervalued it all but I don't want to bring anything back.)

I've also been replacing all the music that itunes edited out of my library when I updated last time - it seemed to delete about 70% of everything for no reason, all random selections, every other Belle and Sebastian track and all  y Smiths. Very odd. It may take about 2 years to finish.

I read an article in the papers about Mary McCartney - daughter of Paul and celebrity photographer. It praises her to the skies and simpers as she examines her own art. Actually, she's a terrible photographer - utterly devoid of skill and vision - laughably so. I know several people who have used her ( she is VERY expensive ) and regretted it. I had to try and make one of her shoots work once for an album cover and left the job rather than be humiliated - even the people I was working for were embarassed and horrified that they had squandered so much money.

I now have £35 in cash left until next monday when I get paid - most of that will vanish into my mortgage and power bill, but I have a few invoices outstanding so I'll make up a bit of ground. A couple of firm work offers came to nothing so I'm laughably poor - so if anyone in power tells me that I can make economies they are bound to get a smack in the mouth.


Anne said...

Belle and Sebastian?? This may amuse you. John Holbo was listening to their latest album, as he thought, only it was on shuffle, and next up was Iron Maiden. At first he didn't spot the join. I didn't believe it either. Relevant Youtube links in the linked post (Crooked Timber).

Richard de Pesando MA(RCA) said...

That makes perfect sense to me - I once listened to an early Thin Lizzy album thinking it was The Libertines.

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