Tuesday, 7 August 2012


It's a good thing I like work. Still in the office at 11.30pm last night. As I left a group of people I knew ( all photographers ) were all sitting outside Walker wine bar having had a merry evening. Had to get a cab home because I had the bike without lights. Couldn't really sleep and was up again at 5am. Loads to do today, starting a new project ( print design - I day deadline, not my favourite... ) and in Brighton tomorrow. Turns out that the project they wanted me to do 'for a favour' - was for yesterday... not Friday as I'd been led to believe.

I have no sympathy for Louise Mensch - can't stand the woman - I think the papers are making a terrible mistake by playing up to her 'oh, why can't a woman have a job and a family' cry. I think that everything she does is about personal vanity - and not public concern.

Watched the Mars landings live yesterday - very exciting - can't wait to see the results of the research.

Enjoying the way that public cynicism towards the Olympics has melted away ( except for any discomfort aimed at that stupid Anish Kapoor  structure - which is pretty vile ). I'm really looking forward to the Paralympics too now.

Having set my computer to filter out anything generated by the Daily Mail is working - I'm much happier. There is so much less grief in my head. I'm less angry and have less of a sense of impending social collapse. My head is not clouded by feelings of confusion and self doubt because I don't actually know who these faceless women falling out of nightclubs actually are - and I have no sense of persecution or insecurity that usually comes from reading the Mail.

Going to have to catch up on a few thins today - or I'm going to get very behind. I checked the label on the trouser I bought for Friday's funeral - they are not black, they are 'caviar'.... I think this means that they are blue - this is a concern. I might be OK if I wear a grey jacket. One of my pet hates is anyone wearing 2 blacks that don't match - or black and navy blue.... shudder.

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