Monday, 6 August 2012

Eddie Pond, at Polypops - mid 1960's

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember Eddie Pond from his student time at Sth East Essex Tech College during tge 1950s. He was in the Arts Dept, I was in the Science Dept, and our paths crossed in the Students Union where he was quite active. I can still remember the beautiful small hand-drawn Christmas cards Eddie would send to his friends then. He was older than me - I think that he had already done his National Service - and he was just one of a group of friends. I do recall his then girlfriend who I realise then became his wife.

Years later, I was in Plymouth walking via a pedestrian underpass the The Hoe, when I noticed a tiled mural by him. It was a huge piece of art - reminded me of the Bayeau Tapestry! Then many years later on, I was using the train to commute to London into Kings Cross, when I noticed artworks by Eddie on the walls. There must have been at least a dozen designs in total. Typical Eddie Pond style with just 3 basic colours to achieve a great effect. Yes - he was a talented guy. RIP.

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