Monday 22 April 2013

Monday Night.

Both dogs are nibbling away on beef bones. I have been watching my little whippet cross strip the meat and gristle from hers, her eyes as wide as saucers. I now know with absolute certainty that if the circumstances decreed - she's do the same to me without hesitation.

I was quite surprised by the bones, they came from Morrissons and were 90p for two fairly substantial bones - they have loads of meat on them and were packed and wrapped exactly as 'human' meat and displayed with the better cuts - it later occurred to me that labelling them 'dog bones' was simply a way of saving the blushes of people who frankly can't afford anything else - in the studio we all examined the package carefully and agreed that yes, we would all be quite happy to pop it into a slow cooker with some chopped carrots and a handful of pearl barley.

I moved into my new stdio space - l love it already, and cleaned the windows - not that easy, they were filming something outside - constant babbling about positions and shouts of 'action' - I had to wait until they finished or they would have been showered by Cilit Bang from 3 storeys above. Although I love the casual messiness of our big open plan studio - I do need to sometimes have clients round so I'm making an effort to tart my bit up... slightly. Vague ideas about a pot plant.

Working in-house tomorrow - prepping for a presentation on Friday that's actually quite a big deal for everyone - will have to be on top form - so an early night for me.

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