Friday 19 April 2013

Friday Night

Spent all day in bed, actually quite boring. Mostly looking for factual errors on the Daily Mail website ( there were millions ) and parked on Twitter - which was duller than expected. One bright spot was a tweet from the local police to media sources about the security and management of a local Brighton EDL march at the weekend which should not have gone out - sending a tweet to 10,000 followers marked 'not for publication' wasn't clever - it was deleted very quickly - but not before I'd cached it. The Boston drama has gone on all day, however - real life is much slower than the movies and at one time I found myself watching a live feed from the other side of the world, of a policeman eating a packet of crisps.

In other news. The application for a 'sex license' for a strip club on Hastings seafront, a few doors away from my office, has been turned down - thankfully. Over 100 objections - including mine.

The Rolf Harris thing is perplexing - it seems as if there is nobody left now - either that, or someone has decided that the 80's were a cultural horror story and should forever be tainted. I half agree - and encourage them in the general direction of anyone creepy or unnerving, such as Noel Edmonds, Timmy Mallet and Leon Britton.

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