Monday 4 March 2013


Despite it being much colder than expected with a very heavy frost overnight - looks like a nice day. Worked over the weekend - and did a bit of house stuff, including dry-lining the inside of a cupboard.

Went for a quick drink on Sunday night in St Leonards, which mostly included me having an over groomed cocker spaniel sat on my lap all evening. She's very sweet but my dogs have treated me like an adulterer ever since.

Working at home today, probably in a bad mood after listening to some Cardinal person rambling away on the radio talking about the catholic church being on a 'learning curve'.

In an idle moment on Saturday I watched a documentary about Dusty Springfield - which mostly involved Lulu trying to resurrect her career - and singing, without being asked.

I bought a super strength and very expensive light bulb for the dining room - after about 10 hours of cleaning the house. It simply revealed that the house really needed more cleaning.

I went into my local B&Q yesterday - despite reports in the paper that they are, indeed - potentially closing to be replaced by an Aldi - there seemed to be more staff, more range, more attentive assistants ( including a meet and greeter ) and even the troll woman has made an effort in the garden centre and put up a couple of decorative features and dome something that looks very like a display. It went so far as for one of the assistants apparently propositioning me in the light bulb section.

The staff in the HMV in Hastings have all, it seems, been replaced by less knowledgeable and rather surly throwbacks who are rude, bossy and disinterested. So much for being 'saved'.

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