Monday 26 November 2012

Monday Morning

Rain and wind all night - hence minimal sleep - more car alarms. London today, £30 OFF PEAK.....

Bloody radio 4 are talking about Boris Johnson again - they are not helping. More shit weather due all day. This office is cold and draughty. Small dog has pissed in the dining room again - I can't understand where it all comes from, I think she generates more fluids than she drinks. I have to email a client shortly to tell them I've not been able to complete something. It will be done this week - still fantasising about some time off. I'll probably get within 24 hours of a break and some work will turn up. I'm not really complaining - at least I'm working, but I'm pretty whacked and there are things I really need to do. Invoice payment is getting very slow again - it's that time of year.

Waking up in a bad mood is a bad omen for this week, people are already organising xmas parties  ( I hate them, how did you guess ) and the supermarkets have turned over huge sections to alcohol and over packaged chocolate. It's been pointed out that I should really be more open to socialising with work - it might be good for me professionally, I could feel my heart sink like the proverbial stone.

According to a twitter update by Sussex Police - overnight local cell occupancy last night.

Brighton 12 
Eastbourne 4 
Hastings 5 
Chichester 7 
Crawley 15 
Worthing 11 

Looking forward to the entertainment value that xmas binge drinking will supply. And I always thought that Chichester was such a nice town. Worthing is full of old people, and regularly referred to as 'Gods own waiting room' - perhaps they are having a second wind.


Steerforth said...

I opened a branch of Ottakar's in Worthing and thought that it would be a dull but dependable place to open a bookshop. In reality, it was just Crawley-on-Sea, full of deeply unpleasant chavs who used my shop as a short cut to McDonalds.

On the subject of Sussex towns, I spent Sunday morning in Brighton and Saturday evening in Hastings. Brighton just irritated and depressed me, but Hastings felt like a place I could live in. The people in the pub I went to (the First In Last Out) seemed bohemian in a good way, whereas in Brighton a lot of people seemed so pleased with themselves I wanted to punch them.

Grey Area said...

The Filo is an oddity, very popular and friendly - it's recently been extended (really!) as there actually used to be a tiny kitchen in the bar - and they have made it look exactly as if it hadn't been touched since the late 70's - quite a skill - retaining the absurdly dangerous central fire, I'm stunned nobody has ever fallen in - it gets very big during the winter and kicks of staggering amounts of heat - the only place where you can get 3rd degree burns with your pint, regardless where you chose to sit. It's the 'pub at the end' - and I live at the top of the hill behind it - a few doors along that road is a staggeringly beautiful Old Folks Home, where they spend the day sunning themselves in a large and very ornate Victorian glass sun room - I'm trying to book myself a place already.

Remember - the population of Brighton can only look so smug and pleased with themselves because they have large piles of unopened mail at home, hidden behind the sofa.

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