Wednesday 14 September 2011


Going into college later for a couple of hours, interviewing a potential student from clearing and looking at timetabling again. I'm going in early and coming back early - stuff to do here.

Took the dogs out early for their first-thing fun run. Strange physical sensation that I vaguely remembered - cold. Really nippy. Quite refreshing. I prefer the cool weather of Autumn. I get to wear nicer clothes and stuff.

Talking of which - some of you have noticed down on the right - at the bottom of the old Grey Area links - I have another blog. It's inspired by my cosmic ordering  episode a couple of months ago, when I tried to conjour up a new house on the seafront by concentrating very hard and visualising it. It didn't work, well - not exactly. I won £3 on the Eurolotto... if that counts. This blog is a scrapbook f all the things I should have, but don't. I'm rubbing my face in failure. If you wonder what my world is like in my head - it's over there. Every time I find something that should be mine - I'll record it - to remind myself how little I've achieved in life ( and how shallow and superficial I am ). Or... it might just give me a kick up the arse and make me want to earn more.

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