Sunday, 4 September 2011


... and feeling rough. I went to a private view last night, I hardly ever go to them - but there was an absurd rumour ( spread by the gallery owner ) that there would be vast amounts of free champagne - there wasn't... but there was a lot of wine. I took no notice of the work... nobody did, it was packed and everyone had spilled out into Roberston Street in the evening sunshine. It was all very good natured. I was alarmed to find a small baby fast asleep in the toilet,  it was so soundly asleep that I asked a passing woman if it wasn't actually dead - turned out to be the mother, but she wasn't as offended or alarmed as she could have been. There was an incident with a stolen bag, and quite a lot of drunk 'artists' trying to be clever. Local micro celebs included Sally Brampton and Catherine Flett ( who was wearing spots AND stripes ) and a selection of people I see every time I go out but have no idea who they are. A girl I was talking to  chatted up a man who is quite frankly..... mad. She has been warned.

Earlier - when I got the cab down to JC's house she came out of her cottage on Tackleway in a lovely 50's tea dress with big roses on, and ran up and gave me a big kiss - the taxi driver looked very envious, I did nothing to shatter his illusions.

Quite a difficult day yesterday. I've mentioned a couple of times that I have caught fleas on the dogs - despite regular treatment - and twice in my bedroom. I decided that enough was enough and took action. Purchasing a home fumigation kit and cleaning and disinfecting the whole house. This included smoke bombs ( which were fun ) and powdering between the cracks in the floorboards. I also treated all the soft furnishings with lethal chemicals - have been boil washing everything made from fabric, and got rid of the dog sofa, which was an old model - stuffed with straw and horse hair - and probably home to all manner of insect life. The dogs considered my actions cruel and treasonable and have hardly spoken to me since. They have also been given bumper treatments themselves. If I catch another flea I'm just going to burn the house down and walk away.

By the time I had finished I was pretty exhausted and needed a drink. I have about 20 bags of stuff in the garden that I'm either going to burn or have taken away. Now I need to buy a new sofa for the dogs.

It's cooler today, a relief. As soon as my hangover has subsided I have quite a lot of work to do. At least the house is clean.

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