Tuesday 26 July 2011


Very lovely morning, up early - dogs walked ( well, more like a 40 min wander around while they sniff things - too hot for exercise ). Alfie has started looking at me funny.. "hey, the man - he's an idiot... every time I do a shit he put's it in a bag and takes him home... he's a freak!".. that kind of thing.

Nothing much in the papers - probably a blessing - still loads of pointless conjecture about Any Winehouse and Oslo - which is repeatedly referred to as the 'Twin' attacks in a pathetic attempt to make a 9/11 reference. I overheard several conversations about Winehouse yesterday - all absurd and poorly informed - and twice people referred to an 'intervention' - as if it would have saved her. It's a very fashionable concept from over the pond, and soon everyone will want one. Talking of which - that moron Kelly Osbourne was in the papers after 'flying in' - tearfully telling the press that "Amy was my best friend" - that's nice dear... she had a lot of 'best friends, apparently.

Watch Alien last night and tinkered about on the computer. Too tired to do anything meaningful, there is quite a lot I need to do today but I'm too tied up with work and I have to leave at about 6pm - I have a photograph in an exhibition in town and it's the Private View. I've not seen it framed or printed yet... could be anything from 6 inches to 6 feet - I'm dreading it.

I'm really tired, the coffee hasn't kicked in yet and I'm still trying to orientate myself - as it's so warm it would be a good day to do a lot of washing - towel are a sure thing to dry quickly in this heat. I'm just going to keep my head down until we get paid on Friday and I start getting some invoices back- I have a feeling that if anything else goes wrong this week I'll snap.

Listening on the radio to the people of Norway talking this week just reinforces what an mature, equitable society they are... looks like a really nice place to live.. I wonder if it's a difficult language to learn - although it seems everyone speaks perfect English, in fact.. better English than the English.

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