Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Wet Tuesday

How did Piers Morgan get to be so powerful and successful? How did someone so smug, shallow, dull, talentless and dreary get to replace Larry King.... do all Americans think we are like that? And why do they shoot TV shows in America through gauze and soft focus - Oprah looked like a mirage - floating in through the walls - she was barely there... I'd love to know what she looks like in high deff.

If Steve Jobs dies I'm going on a rampage - too many deaths this year already - I expect Apple to use all their resources to keep him going a few more years - even if they replace him with 3D technology and send in an Avatar.... they may already have done so - I don't care, just keep him going ( and possibly put him in a nice white shirt, that black roll neck is hardly flattering )

Nicole Kidman has bought a new baby, and Elton and Furnishing are on the cover of Hello with their latest accessory. Oddly enough - KatieJordanVice has apparently complained that her 'soon to be X' husband exploited one of her children by appearing in a photograph with him... really.... because she would never do that herself.

The parents of the dead landscape architect have made an appeal for 'armchair detectives' to get in touch with the police - I hope they know what they are doing,  some of the crackpot themes in the comments sections of the news sites have been absurd - and remember the same thing with Maddie McCaan.

I watched a documentary last night about the nature of reality. Most of it was OK - then some of the science started getting silly. The problem is that the cleverer the scientists got - the more they fell into the trap of thinking it was all about 'us' - as if we were the 'center' of reality and everything was explainable from our point of view - it was almost like the dark ages when the assumption that the world was flat came from the human point of view rather than the eagles. It was as if everything had to be explained from the evidence that we have now and current theories - why didn't someone just point out that it's an awfully big universe and we are a tiny speck of dust who have only just started to figure out how to do joined up writing - there is no shame in saying 'dunno'. We know a lot... but in the big picture... it's not very much.

It rained all night, a lot - everything outside is just mud and filth, and now it's going to get cold again. I'm working at home again today and teaching tomorrow - loads to do, need a bit of a kick up the arse today - feeling a bit half cocked.,

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