Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Wednesday's child is full of woe.

They keep dropping like flies. Gerry Rafferty produced one peerless record that is apparently always being played somewhere in the world at every moment, and Mick Karn from Japan - who was far more interesting but much less well known and more keenly missed by myself.

Yesterday was depressing - today will be difficult. I have a meetings today - the first about an inspection process I must go through in March which is very, very important and a massive workload for all - on top of everything else I have to do - and then another one about a college based problem that I really need to 'win' or I may have to re-address what I'm doing. I spent ages pimping myself out recently to get more new work - finally managed to get on board a large project and then had an email on Monday to say it needed to be ready for draft presentation on Friday - again, impossible due to other commitments.... I have worked out a solution and run it passed my line manager informally - I'll let you know what happens today...

Yesterday we were all exposed to the grim truth of the harsher economic environment facing education - it's very difficult to decode much of what is happening, I work in an H.E. environment bolted onto an F.E college - and their problems are not necessarily 'ours' - but it isn't going to be easy over the next few years. I'm already feeling dead beat and it's only a few days in.... bodes ill.

I had a phone call last night from BT - I have refused to pay my landline or Broadband bill - regular readers will be aware that this causes me great distress every quarter because they have totally cocked up my account and made it impossible for me to pay bills online - or often by phone - without several hours effort and much frustration on my behalf. Last time they went so far as canceling my account and setting it up again and promised that I would be able to make online payments - it only worked once. I've discovered that if you don't actually bother paying it - they eventually ring you up in the evening and ask you politely for the money over the phone, a much better service.

I really, really need more daylight in the morning.

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