Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Slept really badly and woke up early, possibly due to large and very lurid full moon, didn't need the light on in  the back of the house - enough light to see the dogs running about the garden perfectly well.

First thing I saw on News24 was an old bloke in glasses and suit begging the government not to put up interest rates by even a fraction of a percent as it might make the economy collapse - and pointing out that interest rates may be advertised at about 4.5% but the the banks are, in reality, charging far more. Do you remember the good old days when, if you had savings - or even cash in the bank... you used to actually earn money on it?

There is a staggeringly stupid headline in the Mail - yes, it's that old chestnut again - the gay couple in the B&B. The Mail have been very careful to report this one straight ( no pun intended ) but let the comments section run riot - so you can imagine what that's like. They are using a quote from the aggrieved owners, who rail against the loss of the case by saying "it appears some people are more equal than other" - the headline in question. That's the whole case in one point - what they don't understand is that their problem is that they feel some people are less equal than others. I've heard enough now and have got bored with being grown up about it so I wish they would just fuck off.

Coca Cola have been told off - they have been trying to sell water that they describe as 'pure' and 'nutritious' - they omit the fact it also contains 5 teaspoons of sugar. they are 'disappointed' by the decision.

The Mail are also triumphant in the news that Frankie Boyle might not get another series of his comedy sketch show 'Tramadol Nights' - something they hated - apparently it only had viewing figures of 400,000 - which, actually - is MASSIVE for a minority show on very, very late. The show will be made into a DVD... which will sell millions ( his always do ) and to be honest - it didn't really work over a long stretch - the edited DVD will be much better, and the following book that will sell millions next Xmas. It's very unlikely that Boyle would want to do another series, he's already stated he want's to move into writing - this was just a useful dry run - and it just reinforces the popularity of his live shows - which sell out in hours and make him massive profits ( along with more DVD sales ). I think the Mail is being a tad churlish here.

Rather opaque little piece on the news at 5.30am that reports several music suppliers cannot get credit - which is bad for them, obviously - but they can still trade, however - what it does mean is that if they send stock to a retailer who goes bankrupt - they cannot get protection and lose the stock... veiled suggestions that they are talking about HMV. This means they are far less likely to send stock out on sale or return.... something that happened to Zavvi and Virgin. I read at the weekend that large sectors of the HMV empire are very profitable - but others are not.... they didn't actually say anything - but you know they mean high street.

The woman doing the weather is wearing an awful dress that makes her look strange and lurid - too early for this.

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