Friday, 7 January 2011

It's back

Last night at about 1am... that old, familiar scratching and gnawing in the rafters again.... fucking rodents. I'll spend the weekend laying poison. I hardly slept afterward and woke up with a really stiff neck on one side.

Busy today - have done several marathon administration sessions this week and another one due on Saturday, starting to feel a bit behind - but getting there.

I've been able to revise my teaching timetable by being very creative and will now only ever teach Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday - It's really going to help me and is much better for the students in lots of ways - and my 'career' outside - I can set aside Sundays for admin and everyone is happier all round.

Worked quite hard this week and went to a very draining presentation yesterday - which was mercifully interrupted by a fire alarm - but almost on top of everything.

There is a really interesting article here about Lord Green who has issues with his new job as trade minister because he can't stomach the arms trade...he's come in for a lot of criticism from all sides - but I'm in two minds - if he can't 'do' his job, he should resign - but if he does have a moral standpoint - he can't ignore it, and nor should he - I'm not a Christian myself - but I am probably more moral that most people who are and I'd have the same issues, and would assume I had the right to express them.

I'm really looking forward to the weekend now - feeling very run down already......


Schneewittchen said...

I feel you should do a banishing spell to get rid of those critters.

ro said...

mice or RATS?

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