.. it must be the NOTW trial impoling in on itself. Only a vegetable would believe that Andy Coulson didn't know about phone hacking - it's absurd and an insult to anyone with half a brain to pretend otherwise - in fact, if it is true that he was in ignorance.... he really was a fucking moron.
Its pathetic for Cameron to keep thinking they can shove this one under the carpet - if they had any sense - or balls - they would simply have said "Yes, we did do it, it was the culture at the time - we all got carried away with the technology - the whole industry was rife with it but in the end we grew up and realised it was wrong and moved on, the press needs to be self policing - but after all, as scandal monger journalists we earn our bread listening at keyholes... this was just the natural extension" - the whole thing would have been over in a long weekend. Trying to keep your head above the water when the room is flooding just prolongs the agony.
I read an article about Coulson's predecessor last year - before Rebekah Wade was promoted to sitting on Rupert's right hand, it described an incident when she disguised herself as a cleaner and managed to get into the editors office at The Times to steal a load of paperwork relating to their major story at the time ( I think, actually - it was The Hitler Diaries - or something massive like that ) - she was just a journalist at the time, and was roundly lauded for such creativity and guts. So really - what's the difference between burglary and phone tapping?
Of course they are lying, of course they did it, of course everyone knows - the real crime is thinking we are so stupid that they can just pretend it didn't happen.
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