Tuesday, 11 January 2011

I think the world's gone a bit shit today.

The student who threw a fire extinguisher off a roof has been sentenced to 32 months in prison. That's 4 times longer the squaddies who beat me up and nearly blinded me and put me off work for 6 months when I was living in Brighton.

I would have thought there was a big difference between affray.... and GBH with intent ( which was described to me at the time by the cheery CID man who came to visit me in hospital as 'nearly manslaughter'. I have no intention of defending this student, he's obviously a wanker and very stupid - he was really lucky he didn't hurt anyone - but putting him in prison ( he must serve at least 16 months ) - which costs more than staying in a 4 star hotel - is fucking stupid and smacks of making a silly example. So, he'll come out - probably even more fucked up and bitter than before - potentially now a career criminal and probably a burden to the state. Really fucking clever

Miriam O'Reilley has won her ageism case against the BBC and will pocket £250,000 - which is a nice pension, because she is A FUCKING PENSIONER!!! She was wrong for the program, the BBC have an obligation to keep the stuff they show current - and she was dead wood. It's a presenting job on a TV show - not a career for life, the BBC have every right to shift her along to something else that either suits her better or is in the interests of the show. Country File is much better without her.  That's my licence fee she's taking. Fucking hell....

The rest of the news is Peadophiles ( still can't spell that word ), dead architects, dead brides, dead Australians, dead Americans and shitty weather. Should have stayed in bed.

I mentioned on Facebook this week that someone emailed to say they resented me using a cartoon for my profile pictures because "they can't masturbate to a drawing"..... that made me feel very uncomfortable.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Agree with you re the Woollard. The sentence seems awfully harsh when compared with fines for drivers who recklessly (and actually) kill but whom we can expect to be much more focused on what they are doing than a young man caught up in the heat of his first demo. He is being used as an example, which should be grounds for appeal.

Let's hope that at least Woollard is able to study (free) in jail. Prison is mostly a waste of everyone's time, if it isn't far worse.

As for O'Reilly, I don't watch the prog so can't really comment except that radio is less ageist.

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