Monday, 3 January 2011

Back to normal

I know it's a bank holiday - but I'm forcing myself to treat it as a normal Monday, I actually do have a meeting later today, so I might as well.

I'm also changing my routine slightly - I used to drink tea - then dog walk - then coffee early in the morning. I'm road testing Coffee - then dogwalk - then tea whilst starting work.... it might give me an extra 20 mins first thing. ( I am very routine orientated, this is much harder tha it sounds ).

I've been having a lot of really bad dreams recently - I'm somehow replaced the 'teeth falling out' classic - perhaps because my teeth are now fixed, with one where I am wearing an expensive wrist watch and it falls to pieces at awkward moments - cogs and springs everywhere. I suspect they both have a root in general anxiety. I've also had some quite violent dreams - including one about killer dogs raiding the local gardens - not nice.

The people on Breakfast news ( it's 6.30am) are trying to be friendly and chatty, talking about the 1000+ blackbirds that dropped dead from the skies yesterday in America - they are failing badly.

Talking about death - it still follows me, I did mention on here once before that everywhere I live - a neighbour is murdered.... well, all the residents of Offa are perfectly healthy - I'm happy to report, but I did once work with a business on Demensne Road in Wallington where a woman was mauled to death just before Xmas by a Belgian Mastiff, and one of my mates went to a meeting once with the Scary Landlord and potential Clifton Ripper. I've started to notice that my contemporaries ( or the folks I know that are roughly 10 years older than me ) are dropping like flies. I have every intention of living to 90 - like the bulk of my family.... although looking at the way things are going my best move might be to make a fortune by setting up a chain of franchised Dignitas clinics for the strong of mind but frail of finances over 60's... sort of "Pay as you go" scheme.

I have a meeting every day this week, each one different and all requiring quite a lot of preparation - I might as well just knuckle down and get on with it all - I have 7 weeks until half term - quite a long stretch, but I can already detect very slight increases in daylight hours - so I might start perking up a bit!!!!

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