Thursday, 4 November 2010

Tired and emptional.

This week has been difficult - apart from working freelance, I have been at the college ever day this week, teaching full days and evening classes - and I will only be paid for 2 of them ( don't ask ).

The bizzare shouting man who was in the bike sheds seems to have moved in there, he has tourettes - ad is Spanish, so I understand much of the obscenities, and he still eats his own Vomit out of a pot noodle tub. I was trying to unlock my bike before he tried to start a conversation with me yesterday, and in the open Plaza in front of the college an army instructor was drill training the sports students, including CO-OP Mark, who looked terrified and kept being told 'drop and give me 5'.

Masterchef was an emotional roller coaster - but I still think they should have had the balls to split the prize between the girl that won and the tubby Geordie who kept crying and shaking.

I lost my temper today with students - for some absurd reason I thought it was warm enough to teach in a polo shirt - I ended up shaking with cold and rage at the same time.

The college has agreed to a quite extraordinary event - the large marble Atrium on the ground floor will play host to a big art event - an artist has collected huge amounts of the charred timber from the pier and will re-create it in the college - sounds fantastic. Should also get national press.

It's Thursday and I'm very tired and run down - I went to Holland and Barret and bought some powdered brewers yeast and some whey protein powder to stop me from losing any more weight - I still don't eat meat and there is no chance of getting the time to cook properly at home.

My year 2 students have started their publishing and book design module.... it's going to be very, very hard work....


Anne said...

It's much easier to understand how someone can choke on his own Vimto (rather than on someone else's) when you explain it thus.

Ohh, but "powdered brewers yeast"? Particularly in view of your previous post, don't you ever feel tempted to put it to its intended use?

Grey Area said...

I like the stuff - it's quite tasty - and I get very little protein in my diet. I can't afford to fade away - but yes, a micro brewery in the garden shed sounds like a good idea

Vimto / Vomit.... same thing

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