Tuesday, 2 November 2010


Apparently.... people who exercise more are less likely to catch colds - according to a long and detailed scientific study... it seems that researchers can only suggest the cause... that people who exercise... are possibly healthier.....

In other news, a poorly constructed report suggests that alcohol may be more dangerous that crack cocaine. Well, if you argue correctly - chips are more dangerous than heroin - according to health service figures. Wine gums and brittle toffee are more dangerous than ecstasy... according to dentists - and I believe that more people have chocked to death on bay leaves than have been killed as a direct result of single tabs of E.

However... I still prefer a glass of wine with my dinner than a wrap of smack.

It's 5am and I am up working.... designing xmas cards for a client. I fucking hate xmas.

1 comment:

Schneewittchen said...

Oh yes, we had that news item too. It largely turned out to be bad journalism rather than ridiculous research though, and here, we do excel at crap journalism.

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