Wednesday, 27 October 2010


Happy Birthdat Grindrod - 40 today... ah, to be young. It's all downhill from here - the sure descent into miserable, lonley middle age - baldness, toothlessnes, poverty and failure... but enugh about me.

I hate these dark mornings - it's like something medieval - it actually feels darker than normal this year and is really depressing. Yesterday was so overcast, wet and cold that I just wanted to write the whole thing off. I'm thinking about putting a cable into the bedroom and spending the next 6 months just watching TV under a duvet.

I'm doing well  I still have £14 left - plus a large amount of very small change. I don't intend to spend more than a couple of quid today - but I do need milk and potatoes. Poverty sharpens the mind. I'm putting quite a few invoices through today and the money the college isn't paying me for teaching evening classes translates to 5 days off with paid cover later in the year. I have a phone bill and an electricity bill to pay - but apart from that - it's just the usual stuff and the inland revenue to worry about.

I am doing a table sale at Eat Restaurant in Claremont on November 6th - mostly a retro / vintage and curio type event - you pay £6 for a table etc - I have tons of stuff to get rid of - an entire loft full. I'm actually enjoying deciding what to get rid of and pricing it all up, I might get a T shirt made along the lines of 'support your local starving teacher'. I need all the support I can get so I'll be reminding you all repeatedly.

I'm going to work at home today - loads to do - and I'm sending a brochure to print that I've been working on for 19 it's a red letter day.


Martyn said...

Seriously. Make the T-shirt. I'll buy one.

John Grindrod said...

Thanks Rich. 40. Hmm. Well, I'm glad my 30s are over, that rootless, wasted decade. Let's see what this one brings...

Richard de Pesando MA(RCA) said...

it's all downhill from here, John..... it's only a matter of time before you find yourself at the till at HMV with the latest Young Knives or National single - and the 11 year old pierced face behind the till looks at you with an expression of pity or disgust.

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