I worked really hard this week - including Saturday - so today I’m tired and irritable. I’m planning on taking next Friday off and having a long weekend - we’ll have to see how that pans out.
Been a strange week - more absurd deaths in the media, all unexpected. I was never a big fan of either Prince or Victoria Wood, but they were gifted and probably still had much to achieve. Genuine sadness from people all round. They held a Prince party in the bar below my studio last night (I did the poster below) but I can’t bear loud noise and crowds now so I decided to give it a miss.
Had a very good week in the charity shops, bought some decent stuff for almost no money, gave away a few things too - like the unworn Jill Sander Jacket that was too small for me.
A few small jobs with minimum income came up and were despatched - but mostly I’m working on a big packaging project and a few associated side lines - hopefully all going to print in the next day or so.
I’m really looking forward to a couple of days at home next week for the annual spring clean and clear out - I’ve nearly stripped the loft bare and plan to carry on until it’s empty of everything except insulation. I’m planning on completing my website over Easter and a few other small jobs, then I'll try and look forward a bit. I know that everyone is in the same boat - but that’s not making me feel any more secure.
Listening to people rumble on about Brexit is becoming tedious so mostly I’ve been listening to Radio 3 all week. It’s just white noise most of the time.
We have super fast broadband in the studio now and I have been given a WeTransfer Professional account by a client - so I can send huge 20Gig files for free, and we are going to move the studio around shortly to make better use of the space - so all that side is looking good.
The Harris’s Hawk that they use to clear the pigeons sat outside my studio window last week, its a fantastic looking bird.
I’m invited to two weddings this summer - I’ve only ever been to one ‘non family’ wedding before - and I have a vague feeling that I’ve actually only been to two of them - not my natural habitat - but I’m looking forward to them both - they will also be at the same venue - which is handy.
The refurbished pier has a ’soft launch this week and I should be able to walk to the end - really looking forward to it.
The people next door manage to put out 20 bin bags every week - I have no idea what they are doing or where it all comes from. The Seagulls are tnesting now and will become increasingly aggressive and hungry over the next few months - so it will be bin bag season again - crap spread all over the street.
I watched Theresa May being interviewed earlier - she was clearly wearing a wig, it was so obvious that it was almost comical.
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