Sunday, 17 April 2016


After a couple of very cold and damp days - it's bright and sunny with a clear blue sky.

I did a lot around the house yesterday, and had the sense NOT to do anything I would have cocked up - like repairing a mirror or trying to improve my wiring and plumbing. One job I intend to complete fairly soon is fixing the kitchen roof myself - and then removing the stud wall and plasterboard from the outside facing side with windows - and taking it back to the wall - which 'should' give me about 2 square meters of extra floor space.

I like this house a lot more when it's sunny and not raining. An identical property just down the coast in Brighton will cost about 450k - I'm not complaining. The Daily Mail ran an article about Hastings yesterday - it's complete bullshit, of course - but made me laugh. The descriptions of the property prices here are nonsense.

Had a long conversation with a friend from school about people we used to know - apparently someone I knew once and that she dated is 'big in Nike' and lives in America.

The weather is so good I'll probably manage an extra long dog walk later - perhaps into town. Small dog has managed the remarkable feat of going 2 days without pissing in the house. It won't last.

I think the Harris's Hawk kept in the shed at the end of my road has gone now - which is a relief. There is a regular falconer now clearing pigeons with another Harris's Hawk behind my studio - it's not the same one, but an odd coincidence.

Last night I watch 'London Is Down' - the big budget sequel to 'Olympus is Down' with a cast headed by a sleepwalking Gerard Butler. It was quite probably the worst film I've ever seen. Aside from the rampant xenophobia, racism, and jingoism - it was in parts vaguely homophobic by accident and just shite. The CGI was a bit rubbish too. Most of the cast from the previous film appeared in much-reduced roles - I suspect that they were edited in from out-takes from last time. It was basically a Gerrard Butler vehicle - and not a very good one. He's down as a producer. A mistake. He was shit.

I am very aware that I've not really said anything interesting on here for some time - just generalised, chopped up observations of what's happening around me. My mind works like that now. My long term and visual memory are absolutely fine but my short term memory is terrible - I've started taking Instagram photos every day to get around that so at least I have some points of reference. Work is OK because it's visual and I concentrate - but I can't remember what I had for breakfast by lunchtime. I really, REALLY need to go through my finances again today - I'm running on empty at the moment and have very little paid work coming in. I'm disappointed that I don't appear to have go that contract in London, but more disappointed that they didn't have the manners to tell me. There is stuff around but very little locally - I had a long conversation with someone about this on Friday - it's a pretty general problem. I do wonder what this year is going to bring. I've gone through the benchmark of the end of my tax year (and a substantial loss) - coming up in July is the anniversary of my accident and then my 50th birthday 2 days later. I don't really know what to think about that - I just want to get them out of the way.

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