Sunday, 31 January 2016


I had intended going to work, but it's cold, wet and miserable - the last thing I need is to catch another cold so I stayed home. The thick mist has reduced visibility right down anyway - nothing to see out there. I have a feeling that there was someone using the studio this weekend anyway for some interviews or something.

I'll do some stuff here tonight - I need to write a few things up. Might have picked up some more new work leads today so I'll be looking into that too.

I have no strong feelings about Terry Wogan at all - I think that was probably his appeal. As a child, he 'owned' the radio in our house. I went to school bathed in waves of dreary, middle class niceness thanks to Terry. Even when he was being arch it came across as soft. I never watched Eurovision nor Blankety Blank, so it all went over my head - but I had nothing against him - and I expect that probably had a lot to do with me refusing to watch 'Children in Need' as weel.

On the other hand - very sad to read of the death of Frank Finlay. I'm watching The Pianist in the background. Probably not the most cheerful viewing but still on of the best films I've ever seen.

1 comment:

Anne Roy said...

No posts from you for over a week. All in order there? Do tell us! Anne, in Cambridge (the U.K. one)

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