Well, I've managed to get to the end of the week and posted every day.
I'm a bit stuck in work limbo at the moment, waiting for people to get back to me, so I'm working up things in the meantime and trying to catch up. There are a couple of people I need to have 'conversations' with - but the timing is wrong.
Just bought a brand new John Richmond shirt for £2.50 - RRP £300. Sometimes Oxfam is great, but they also had a couple of things I'd designed myself in the sales bin, so I left feeling depressed - then I bought a really nice bathroom cabinet for £2.50. I'll need to take a cab home now. I'm going to take a lot of stuff home anyway - might as well grit my teeth and pay the money.
Last night I went home early because I had something important to do - and by the time I got home I'd forgotten what it was. I did remember today, (oil and service the bike) - so I suppose a 24-hour delay is an improvement on total forgetfulness. I didn't cycle today because it's Friday and too dangerous at night - mentioned that before.
A bit of an odd one. I had a card through the door yesterday from the postman - wasn't expecting anything myself - but went along to collect. I have a friend called Cate who was at college with me, many years ago - she's a very good artist and has a show just opening at the V&A Museum of Childhood - but like many very talented artists, she struggles with funding. As a side career and a bit of irony, she has a thing called 'I Draw Dogs For Money' - being a particularly gifted craftswoman - she draws people's dogs as commissions, not in the cheesy way you would expect - but with quite stunning skill. I've done her a few favours over the last year, nothing major and nothing I wanted a reward for - and she has sent me two drawings - one of each of my dogs. I was quite overwhelmed by her kindness, really wasn't expecting that at all. I'll post pictures when I get the chance.
Her show is about to open - I urge you to go if you have the chance - details here.
Cate has a small dog called Hunter. He is famous in his own right in London - this really is him.
1 comment:
That is so kind of your friend Cate. We are looking forward to seeing your dogs having read so much about them in your blog.
Cdn Anne in England
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