Friday, 3 August 2012

Friday, at last.

Exhausted today - didn't get home until 10.30 last night. Had to cycle from the station in the rain.

Train was full of social underbelly and drunk kids on the way to Hastings to get drunk and have sex. The girls all looked about 16, under the make-up. I was 16 once - I really hope I wasn't that stupid ( don't answer that - I already have ). One particularly annoying girl was playing the sophisticate and insisted on calling everyone 'Honey' - several 'grown ups' had to leave the carriage.

Two women in their 20's shared the bike space with me - one had a buggy with a child who was old enough to walk - they both spent the journey reading out each others facebook messages and calling random boys up to 'chat' "It's like, me, Rosanna, like - you talked me that time, like you KNOW ME" - te fatter of the two was wearing a screaming magenta 'playsuit' - which clashed with her Bisto fake tan and false eyelashes that resembled nailbrushes. The child was really annoying, but - once you paid attention - actually very intelligent and articulate - an excellent mimic and very inquisitive - however, neither women was interested and they just let him wind himself up into a ball of neglected frustration - at one point, he screamed "You're destroying me" - not sure where that came from. A Japanese woman sitting nearby caught my eye and we both exchanged a look of alarm, pity and sadness. The two women had such poor speech patterns I could barely understand them - despite being english - they were almost unintelligable - the child was already displaying a mangled form of communication and the lack of ability to form words properly that will blight his life.

Brighton was quite dull - I amused myself by picking up a property paper - and then felt like a total failure afterwards.

I have missed every single event of Hastings Carnival week - again, thanks to work - the story of my life. As I tumble towards middle age, I'm beginning to wonder what the point was.

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